Spotting Boards 101: How spreadsheets work
The most basic information about how to use Google Sheets or Microsoft Excel

It’s true, the syllabus said Saturday is a lab day where you’re supposed to go call a game, and Sunday is supposed to be spreadsheet day. But, before we start bench pressing, I just want to make sure you can do a couple of push ups first.
So, I’ll put out a couple videos this weekend. Today’s is the first one posted below, and is available to anyone completely free of charge because it’s pretty common knowledge. But I want to make sure we have laid a foundation for the kind of things you’ll be doing in spreadsheets to build your dynamic boards, so today’s lesson is all about how functions and formulas work. If you already know what functions and formulas are, feel free to skip ahead.
Without further ado, happy spreadsheet Sunday!
Love the concept behind this Substack!!!
As a fellow broadcaster, I am trying my best to automate the numbers for myself so I cannot wait until this whole series is complete.
Question for you…Do you do a separate workbook for stats, or do you keep them all in one workbook with multiple sheets and just point to said sheet?
If I am getting ahead of myself apologies!