Wednesday Wisdom: Handling Criticism and Feedback
You will read terrible, unfair, uninformed, insulting comments about yourself and your performance. Here's how I've handled it over the years.

Before we jump into this week’s edition of Wednesday Wisdom, I wanted to let you all know that I’ll be opening up a mailbag!
Anyone can ask a question about anything. Like I’ve said before, the way you live your life is all game prep. Anything you experience in life is added to your list of potential things to talk about on the air. Therefore, you can ask any question at all, and it can and will still be instructive to learning how to broadcast well and grow in your career.
You don’t have to be a paid subscriber to participate. Just click the button below and ask away.
It can be about your prep process, networking, how to handle certain situations, engineering, off-air routines, managing nerves, anything you can think of at all that you’ve been wondering or wanting to know.
We’ll see what kind of submissions we get and mold it from there. A question or comment might turn into its own article, or maybe we’ll get enough to have a weekly Q&A. Either way, we are an open book, and we want PXPU to become the go-to book that answers every play-by-play related question you have.
That said, let’s jump into this week’s topic for Wednesday Wisdom: handling criticism, especially online.